A lifetime of gaining Wisdom from past leaders
An opportunity to share gained Wisdom for future leaders.
Yusuf Hakeem learned early in his career that Mentors and support are crucial to success in Public Service. He knows that to accomplish community goals; you must listen and respect those who have walked before you while supporting and encouraging the next generations of leaders who will walk after you. Hakeem has been humbled to be mentored by many past leaders and is now honored to support and encourage the next generation of leaders.
Hakeem is always present to encourage young Democrats as they consider public office and supports them through their campaign and on to victory.

Yusuf Hakeem’s Co-Sponsored Bills.
Building relationships and trust with fellow leaders is the way Hakeem better the community he serves.
111th General Assembly.
Bill Number
HB0017 Children - As introduced, establishes a presumption that a minor who is the victim of a sexual offense or engaged in prostitution held a reasonable belief that the use of force is immediately necessary to avoid imminent death or serious bodily injury.
HB0037 Public Health - As enacted, creates the state Alzheimer's Disease and related dementia advisory council.
HB0137 Criminal Procedure - As introduced, enables a person who has been disqualified from exercising the right to vote due to a felony conviction to apply for restoration of voting rights if making payments in accordance with a payment plan for court costs, restitution, or overdue child support.
HB0192 Tort Liability and Reform - As enacted, confers civil immunity on a local government for any defect or malfunction in a software program intended to assist families of non-communicative persons register with law enforcement if designed and distributed in good faith by the local government and without cost; provides exception to immunity for claims based on gross negligence, willful misconduct, or bad faith.
HB0193 Expunction - As enacted, permits an eligible petitioner to have multiple, nonviolent convictions for offenses that resulted from the petitioner's status as a victim of human trafficking expunged if the expunction is in the best interest of justice and public safety and other requirements met.
HB0205 Education, Higher - As enacted, requires public postsecondary institutions to classify the spouse or dependent child of an active member of the United States armed forces transferred out of state on military orders as an in-state student for tuition purposes.
HB0225 Election Laws - As introduced, requires election officials to inspect filings for sufficiency and timeliness; establishes conclusive presumption that accepted filings are sufficient and timely filed.
HB0252 State Government - As enacted, requires agencies to ensure the provision of appropriate accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if the agency requires a person applying for a license to engage in an occupation, trade, or profession in this state to take an examination; not applicable to an examination mandated and administered pursuant to federal law.
HB0273 Economic and Community Development - As introduced, enacts the "Save Tennessee Call Center Jobs Act of 2019."
HB0287 Adoption - As enacted, eliminates failure to pay prenatal, natal, and postnatal expenses as ground for termination of parental rights; clarifies the definition of notice; removes unnecessary affidavit language; adds existing abuse crimes to the definition of severe child abuse; clarifies definition of putative father; clarifies requirements for checking putative father registry; makes various other revisions.
HB0340 Forfeiture of Assets - As introduced, makes various changes to civil forfeiture procedure, including requiring the district attorney general to review the underlying circumstances of a seizure to determine if probable cause exists to justify forfeiture and, when appropriate, file a motion to dismiss the application for forfeiture warrant, upon which the court shall dismiss the application and return the seized property.
HB0379 Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation - As enacted, requires TSAC to promulgate rules designating pregnancy as an approved medical leave of absence for purposes of the Tennessee HOPE scholarship.
HB0498 TennCare - As enacted, directs the commissioner of finance and administration to submit to the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services a waiver or waivers pursuant to Section 1115 of the Social Security Act for the purpose of establishing a distinct Katie Beckett program.
HB0547 Criminal Procedure - As introduced, restores the voting rights of persons convicted of certain infamous crimes upon receipt of a pardon or completion of any sentence of incarceration, parole, or probation.
HB0817 Taxes, Real Property - As enacted, makes the provision for the assessor of property recording with the register of deeds an application for the classification of property as agricultural, forest, or open space land discretionary instead of mandatory, and requires the property owner to record the application with the register of deeds if the assessor does not.
HB0833 Bail, Bail Bonds - As enacted, permits the clerk of court to send notice of forfeiture of bail security to a defendant by regular mail, rather than certified mail with restricted delivery and return receipt requested.
HB0839 Driver Licenses - As enacted, revises provisions governing payment plans for fines and costs and license suspension for failure to comply with plan.
HB0901 Criminal Offenses - As enacted, makes the enhanced maximum fine of up to $15,000 applicable to aggravated assault when committed against an identifiable employee or contractor of a utility who is discharging or attempting to discharge such person's official duties.
HB0909 Elder Abuse - As enacted, enacts the "Elderly and Vulnerable Adult Protection Act of 2019."
HB0928 Teachers, Principals and School Personnel - As enacted, revises the use of student growth data for purposes of a teacher's or principal's annual evaluation; deletes obsolete provisions regarding the use of student growth data; excludes, for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years, student growth evaluation composites generated by assessments administered in the 2017-2018 school year if the exclusion results in a higher evaluation score for the teacher.
HB0941 Expunction - As enacted, removes $180 fee for an individual petitioning the court for an expunction of certain criminal offenses; removes $350 fee for a defendant applying for expunction of an offense following the completion of a diversion program.
HB0949 Scholarships and Financial Aid - As enacted, enacts the Governor's Investment in Vocational Education Act; specifies that financial assistance received for all dual enrollment courses attempted after the fourth dual enrollment course reduces any subsequent award of the Tennessee HOPE scholarship.
HB0999 State Symbols - As enacted, designates the bluetick coonhound as the official state dog.
HB1138 Taxes, Amusement - As enacted, exempts from the tax admission, dues, fees, or other charges paid to any person principally engaged in offering services or facilities for the development or preservation of physical fitness through exercise or other active physical fitness conditioning.
HB1185 Juvenile Offenders - As introduced, enacts the "Juvenile Justice Stop Solitary Confinement Act."
HB1187 Veterans - As enacted, eliminates the fee for interment of an eligible veteran's most recent spouse in a state veterans' cemetery.
HB1258 Criminal Procedure - As introduced, makes various changes to the process for restoration of voting rights, including consolidating the process for the issuance of a certificate of voting rights restoration through the secretary of state's office.
HB1303 Education, Higher - As enacted, requires the department of correction, in partnership with the Tennessee higher education commission and the board of regents, to develop and submit to the general assembly an annual report detailing the higher education opportunities available to eligible incarcerated individuals in this state.
HB1483 Local Education Agencies - As enacted, authorizes LEAs to provide free feminine hygiene products in eligible public high schools.
HB1544 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As introduced, designates Emancipation Day, August 8 each year, as a state legal holiday.
HB1545 Public Health - As introduced, directs the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations to study the homicide rate of African-American victims in this state to determine the causes of the state's high rate, whether legislative action is necessary to address those causes, and ways in which the state and local governments can work together to reduce the rate; requires TACIR to make its report to the general assembly by January 31, 2021.
HB1550 School Vouchers - As introduced, deletes the Tennessee Education Savings Account Pilot Program.
HB1562 State Symbols - As enacted, designates "The Volunteer State" as the official nickname of this state.
HB1593 Motor Vehicles - As enacted, establishes requirements for peer-to-peer car sharing programs, and subjects such programs to certain existing laws.
HB1620 Driver Licenses - As enacted, adds documentation a veteran may submit to the department of safety to have military service indicated on a driver license to allow an honorably discharged veteran to submit a certified copy of the veteran's AGO Form 53-55 or NAVPERS 553 showing the dates of service.
HB1648 Education - As introduced, requires LEAs to provide opportunity for enrollment in a pre-kindergarten program to all children who are four years of age by September 30 of each year.
HB1650 Criminal Offenses - As introduced, for purposes of determining if a person has a duty to retreat before threatening or using force in self-defense, declares that a person is not considered to be engaged in unlawful activity or where the person does not have a right to be if the person is engaged in activity or in a place due to the person's status as a victim of human trafficking.
HB1670 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As introduced, removes Nathan Bedford Forrest Day as a day of special observance.
HB1697 Taxes, Sales - As introduced, enacts the "Food Tax Holiday Act," which exempts the retail sale of food and food ingredients from sales tax for the months of June and July in 2020.
HB1699 Insurance, Health, Accident - As introduced, makes various changes to the law concerning the electronic delivery of health care and its coverage under insurance policies.
HB1712 Railroads - As introduced, directs TACIR to study the cost, feasibility, and infrastructure of expanding railroad passenger service in this state through the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, doing business as Amtrak.
HB1718 Sexual Offenses - As enacted, increases the maximum age for a victim of aggravated rape of a child from three years of age to eight years of age.
HB1750 Sunset Laws - As enacted, extends the human rights commission to June 30, 2025.
HB1815 Criminal Offenses - As introduced, creates an offense of using force or coercion to cause a person to join a criminal gang against the person's will; sets penalty based on the age of the victim.
HB1833 Education - As introduced, limits the number of Tennessee comprehensive assessment program (TCAP) tests administered to students in grades three through 12.
HB1862 Employees, Employers - As enacted, prohibits marketplace platforms from keeping tips intended for marketplace contractors.
HB1867 Health Care - As enacted, expands the Health Care Empowerment Act to allow all licensed medical professionals to use direct medical care agreements without regulation by the insurance laws of this state.
HB1888 Driver Licenses - As introduced, requires at least one driver license testing station that conducts commercial driver license (CDL) tests to be located in each grand division of the state.
HB1890 Pharmacy, Pharmacists - As introduced, prohibits a pharmacy benefit manager and certain other third parties from taking certain actions against entities and pharmacies participating in the federal 340B drug discount program; creates a private cause of action against violators.
HB1892 Judges and Chancellors - As introduced, requires that, upon a judge or chancellor withdrawing or being found incompetent, a successor be designated within 30 days of the finding of incompetency or withdrawal.
HB1933 Emergency Communications Districts - As enacted, requires training curriculum for 911 operators and public safety dispatchers to include guidelines for T-CPR; provides immunity from civil liability for emergency communication districts, the state, counties, and municipalities for employees who provide assistance or instruction on T-CPR to a caller or bystander on an emergency call.
HB1969 Planning, Public - As introduced, allows an owner or agent of the owner of land to sell, agree to sell, or negotiate to sell the land by reference to a subdivision plat before the final subdivision plat is approved by the planning commission.
HB2069 Criminal Procedure - As enacted, adds the offenses of promoting the prostitution of a minor and patronizing prostitution from a person who is younger than 18 years of age or has an intellectual disability as sexual offenses for which a person may not qualify for judicial diversion.
HB2134 Education - As introduced, enacts the "Teacher's Discipline Act"; establishes a disciplinary process for students who have been removed from the classroom by the teacher.
HB2223 Food and Food Products - As enacted, corrects a cross-reference in regard to the standards that apply to certain donations of food; changes the level of carelessness that gives rise to liability for damage caused by certain food donors from negligence to gross negligence; makes other changes concerning food donations.
HB2259 Juvenile Offenders - As introduced, requires the juvenile court clerk and the department of mental health and substance abuse services to report certain juvenile justice information to the administrative office of the courts each month; deletes certain reporting to the council of juvenile and family court judges.
HB2308 Tennessee Bureau of Investigation - As enacted, enacts the "Holly Bobo Act," which expands the bureau's endangered child and young adult alert program to include endangered persons under 21 years of age.
HB2348 Taxes, Ad Valorem - As introduced, extends, from March 1 to March 15, the deadline by which an owner of land may submit an application to the assessor of property for its classification to be designated as agricultural.
HB2445 Tennessee Housing Development Agency - As introduced, requires state-wide grant programs operated by the THDA through the Tennessee housing trust fund to consider applicant homeowners eligible if the applicant is making property tax payments via a written, approved payment plan and not just if the applicant has paid property taxes in full.
HB2457 Firefighters - As introduced, enacts the "Firefighter Suicide Prevention Act."
HB2518 Local Government, General - As introduced, expands presumptive disability in acquiring certain infectious diseases in the line of duty by emergency rescue workers to include the hepatitis B virus.
HB2586 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As enacted, designates "Women's Suffrage Day" as a day of special observance.
HB2588 Child Custody and Support - As enacted, requires that the parent educational seminar include at least one 30-minute video on adverse childhood experiences created by the department of children's services in conjunction with the commission on children and youth or as part of the Building Strong Brains Tennessee public awareness campaign; adds to that the requirement of attendance by parents at the parent educational seminar may be waived upon motion by either party and the agreement of the court upon the showing of good cause.
HB2601 Education, Higher - As enacted, requires public institutions of higher education to provide each student with a detailed and completed current-year federal college financing plan; imposes other requirements for such institutions to provide certain information when a student is finalizing acceptance of a financial aid package.
HB2616 Child Custody and Support - As introduced, removes custody, visitation, or inheritance rights for a parent who has been convicted of statutory rape, aggravated statutory rape, statutory rape by an authority figure, or lesser included offenses of rape, from which crime the child was conceived.
HB2653 Criminal Offenses - As introduced, creates a Class A misdemeanor of disseminating a photograph of an inmate at a state penal institution that was taken during a visitation period.
HB2674 Welfare - As introduced, extends the date by which the commission on aging and disability must provide to the general assembly an updated report and analysis on the waiting list for the state options program from January 15 of each year to January 20 of each year.
HB2675 Historical Sites and Preservation - As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Historic Buildings Revitalization Act."
HB2676 Professions and Occupations - As introduced, eliminates the professional privilege tax; establishes requirements for payment of annual professional registration fee for nonresidents engaged in certain professions.
HB2680 Health Care - As introduced, authorizes healthcare facilities to provide an electronic method for insureds or their representatives to acknowledge and sign the statutorily required notice that the insured agrees to receive medical services by an out-of-network provider and will receive a bill for the amount unpaid by the insured's insurer.
HB2764 Employees, Employers - As introduced, requires the department of human resources to make an annual report on or before January 15, instead of periodically, to the governor on recommendations for improvements of the state service system.
HB2769 Criminal Offenses - As introduced, adds the offense of trafficking a person for a commercial sex act to the meaning of predatory offenses for purposes of sentencing a person as a child sexual predator.
HB2770 Criminal Procedure - As enacted, makes a defendant charged with continuous sexual abuse of a child ineligible for judicial diversion.
HB2815 Open Meetings - As introduced, authorizes the governing body of the city of Crossville to allow participation in public meetings by electronic or other means.
HB2818 Education - As enacted, authorizes the state board of education to promulgate emergency rules as necessary to address any issues created by school closures due to the outbreak of COVID-19 during the 2019-2020 school year; requires the commissioner of education to waive certain requirements; establishes other related requirements.
HB2860 Human Services, Dept. of - As introduced, requires the department to create a phone app for citizens to search and apply for programs that use TANF funds.
HB8009 State Government - As introduced, prohibits this state or a local government from infringing upon the constitutional rights of a person to peacefully assemble or demonstrate upon state or local government property.
112th General Assembly
HB0001 Capital Punishment - As introduced, allows a defendant who has been sentenced
to the death penalty and whose conviction is final to petition the trial court for a
determination of whether the defendant is ineligible for the death penalty due to
intellectual disability.
HB0012 Criminal Offenses - As enacted, enacts "April's Law" to clarify that a person who
engages in sexual contact with a corpse commits the offense of abuse of a corpse, a
Class E felony.
HB0017 Criminal Offenses - As enacted, replaces the required element for self-defense
that the person "not be engaged in unlawful activity" with the required element that the person "not be engaged in conduct that would constitute a felony or Class A misdemeanor"; declares, for purposes of determining if a person has a duty to retreat before threatening or using force in self-defense, that a person is not considered to be engaged in conduct that would constitute a felony or Class A misdemeanor or in a place where the person does not have a right to be if the person is engaged in the activity or in a place due to the person's status as a victim of human trafficking.
HB0028 Telecommunications - As introduced, authorizes municipal electric plants, electric
cooperatives, and telephone cooperatives to provide broadband internet service on their
own or by joint venture in geographical areas outside their service areas if the areas are
located in a distressed county; requires broadband internet service be provided in state
parks located in distressed counties.
HB0030 Jails, Local Lock-ups - As introduced, requires the acquisition or construction of a new correctional facility in Shelby County; requires the appointment of a committee to submit plans for such acquisition or construction to the board of control of the Tennessee corrections institute.
HB0033 Naming and Designating - As introduced, redesignates the Legislative Plaza as the Ida B. Wells-Barnett Plaza.
HB0034 Tennessee Housing Development Agency - As introduced, authorizes the THDA to provide eligible displaced tenants who have been denied requests for housing or housing repairs by local governmental entities with affordable housing and services.
HB0044 Basic Education Program (BEP) - As introduced, funds social worker positions through the BEP at a ratio of one per 1,500 or fewer students.
HB0059 Forfeiture of Assets - As introduced, removes the requirement for a person to post a bond when filing a claim to seized property.
HB0130 Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Dept. of - As enacted, requires the department to increase the hourly wage for direct care professionals employed at contracted agencies of the department for the home- and community-based waiver programs for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, or any successor programs, such that on July 1, 2021, the hourly wage is at least $12.50 per hour.
HB0131 Taxes, Sales - As enacted, excludes from the definition of "tangible personal property" for sales and use tax purposes certain mains, pipes, pipelines, and tanks and certain railroads, railroad structures, substructures, tracks and the metal thereon, branches, switches, and other improvements thereon; deems all as realty upon installation for purposes of sales tax laws.
HB0162 Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation - As introduced, requires TSAC to provide one-time grants, subject to appropriation, to students enrolled in eligible postsecondary institutions who have lost a family member due to COVID-19 to assist the students in completing their degree or credential.
HB0171 Pensions and Retirement Benefits - As enacted, authorizes a correctional officer of a local government who is a member of the state retirement system to retire under the state retirement system upon completion of 25 years of creditable service; authorizes local governments participating in TCRS to adopt a mandatory age of retirement for correctional officers.
HB0204 Employees, Employers - As enacted, enacts the "CROWN Act: Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair," which prohibits an employer from adopting a policy that does not permit an employee to wear the employee's hair in braids, locs, twists, or another manner that is part of the cultural identification of the employee's ethnic group or that is a physical characteristic of the employee's ethnic group; creates certain exceptions.
HB0394 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As enacted, designates June 19 of each year as "Juneteenth," a day of special observance.
HB0409 Forfeiture of Assets - As introduced, adds information to be provided by the department of safety in a report detailing seizures for the previous calendar year and provided to the speakers of the senate and the house of representatives and the chairs of the appropriate committees; requires that an affidavit in support of a forfeiture warrant include information as to whether criminal charges have been filed against the owner of the property or the person in possession of the property at the time of seizure.
HB0429 Education, Curriculum - As introduced, creates a state oversight committee for the inclusion of African American history as part of the public school curriculum in Tennessee.
HB0565 Dentists and Dentistry - As enacted, authorizes a dentist licensed in this state to administer a vaccination against COVID-19 if the dentist has received appropriate training as recommended by the centers for disease control and prevention.
HB0761 Taxes, Sales - As enacted, creates a sales tax holiday for the retail sale of gun safes and gun safety devices if sold between 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2021, and 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2022.
HB0772 Firefighters - As enacted, provides annual $600 cash supplements to volunteer firefighters who successfully complete in each year an in-service training course.
HB0788 Indigents - As introduced, requires this state and the county in which the person resided to pay up to $2,000 for the burial or cremation of a person who dies from COVID-19 if the person's family is financially unable to pay for a proper burial or cremation of the person.
HB0826 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As enacted, designates the month of June as "African-American Music Appreciation Month."
HB0827 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As enacted, designates the month of April as "Barber, Beauty, and Health Month."
HB0938 State Symbols - As enacted, adds "Amazing Grace" by John Newton as an official state song.
HB0973 Education - As enacted, enacts the "SEM Advancement Act," which requires a local board of education or charter school governing body to develop and adopt a policy that establishes criteria for the enrollment of students in grades seven through 12 into available advanced English language arts, mathematics, and science courses.
HB1056 Education, Higher - As introduced, clarifies that a free speech policy adopted by a public institution of higher education must not impede a student's ability to express political viewpoints, and that a student's expression is free from discrimination or retaliation based on content or viewpoint.
HB1071 Taxes, Sales - As introduced, exempts the retail sale of food and food ingredients from the state sales tax for the period of May through October 2021.
HB1090 Eminent Domain - As introduced, requires property taken by eminent domain to be valued at 130 percent of the fair market value; requires compensation for depreciation of property on which an easement is taken by eminent domain.
HB1168 Child Custody and Support - As enacted, prohibits a court from solely considering a parent's disability to determine custody unless it impacts the parent's ability to meet the needs of the child; specifies that a court cannot consider a parent or guardian's disability alone in a termination of parental rights proceeding unless it impacts the physical or psychological welfare of the child.
HB1240 Medical Occupations - As introduced, waives licensure fees for healthcare professionals for the period beginning July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2025; requires licensing authorities to refund the portion of any licensure fee paid to the authority that is credited to a healthcare provider for that period of time.
HB1242 Education, Higher - As introduced, prohibits a four-year public college or university from preventing a student athlete from earning compensation as a result of the use of the student athlete's name, image, or likeness; prohibits a four-year public college or university from discriminating against a student athlete based on an athletic coach's donation to the college or university.
HB1323 Bail, Bail Bonds - As introduced, requires an officer to provide an alleged victim of certain criminal offenses with a document, created by the administrative office of the courts, notifying the victim of the global positioning monitoring system used as a condition of bail.
HB1324 Election Laws - As introduced, authorizes the use of an identification card issued by an accredited institution of higher education in this state for purposes of voter identification at a polling place; requires the secretary of state to conduct studies on such use and file reports regarding such use.
HB1348 Pharmacy, Pharmacists - As introduced, prohibits certain health insurance issuers, managed health insurance issuers, pharmacy benefits managers, or other third-party payers from taking certain actions against entities participating in the federal 340B drug discount program.
HB1356 Firefighters - As introduced, enacts the "James 'Dustin' Samples Act."
HB1398 Insurance, Health, Accident - As enacted, revises various provisions governing pharmacy benefits and pharmacy benefits managers.
HB1476 Education - As introduced, prohibits the use of student performance and student growth data from TCAP tests in identifying priority schools and assigning schools to the achievement school district.
HB1681 Board of Regents - As introduced, directs the board to develop a two-year pilot program to award grants to students enrolled in certain non-credit workforce training programs operated by a community college or Tennessee college of applied technology governed by the state university and community college system.
HB1686 Health Care - As enacted, establishes a respite care pilot program for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's and related dementia.
HB1741 Education, Higher - As introduced, authorizes full-time public school teachers to enroll in one course at any state-supported college or university without having to pay tuition and fees.
HB1742 Education, Higher - As introduced, authorizes local correctional officers and local law enforcement officers to enroll in one course at any state-supported college or university without having to pay tuition and fees.
HB1747 Controlled Substances - As enacted, adds quadriplegia as a qualifying medical condition for the lawful possession of cannabis oil.
HB1855 Sexual Offenses - As enacted, revises the penalties for continuous sexual abuse of a child to clarify circumstances under which the offense is a Class A, Class B, or Class C felony; adds to the list of offenses that warrant the Class A felony, trafficking for a commercial sex act if the victim is a minor and promoting prostitution if the victim is a minor.
HB1857 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As enacted, designates April 7 as "Alexander Disease Day."
HB2022 Children's Services, Dept. of - As enacted, requires department's case managers to report a suspected violation of a court order to law enforcement in certain circumstances.
HB2062 Education - As enacted, enacts the "Save Tennessee Students Act," which requires LEAs that issue new student identification cards for students in grades 6-12 to include on the identification cards certain information regarding suicide prevention resources; requires an LEA to publish the telephone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the social media handle, telephone number, or text number for at least one additional crisis resource selected by the LEA in a conspicuous place in each school of the LEA that serves students in grades 6-12 or any combination thereof.
HB2109 Health, Dept. of - As enacted, requires the department to collaborate with the bureau of TennCare in order to study existing doula certification programs; requires that a report on the study be provided to the members of the general assembly and to the legislative librarian by December 31, 2022.
HB2148 State Universities - As enacted, creates the Tennessee Center for Nursing Advancement within East Tennessee State University to address issues of nursing workforce needs and makes other related changes.
HB2157 University of Tennessee - As enacted, establishes an institute of American civics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; requires the president of the University of Tennessee, in consultation with the governor, the speaker of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives, to appoint 13 members to serve on a board of fellows for the institute; establishes procedure for appointment of a director for the institute.
HB2249 Education, Higher - As enacted, revises present law provisions governing the use of an intercollegiate athlete's name, image, or likeness.
HB2278 Railroads - As enacted, requires TACIR to prepare a report surveying projects initiated over the past 10 years involving the initiation of new state-sponsored Amtrak intercity passenger rail.
HB2308 Privacy, Confidentiality - As enacted, adds to the provisions governing confidentiality of photographic evidence that depicts certain deceased persons.
HB2335 Controlled Substances - As enacted, prohibits a healthcare provider who is authorized to prescribe buprenorphine under federal law from prescribing via telehealth a buprenorphine product, as approved by the federal food and drug administration for use in recovery or medication-assisted treatment, unless certain conditions met.
HB2341 Local Education Agencies - As enacted, requires that each LEA employee who works directly with students in the LEA, instead of only teachers, be trained at least once every three years on the detection, intervention, prevention, and treatment of human trafficking in which the victim is a child.
HB2380 Railroads - As enacted, requires TACIR to conduct a study and make recommendations regarding the potential for passenger rail service linking the major cities in each of the grand divisions of the state.
HB2381 Solid Waste Disposal - As introduced, requires a person to obtain a permit to haul waste tires in this state, subject to certain exceptions; applies pre-disposal fee to used tires; makes other additions to law concerning tires.
HB2409 Local Education Agencies - As introduced, requires an LEA to notify the LEA's new employees of the health plan offered to the employees.
HB2544 Insurance, Health, Accident - As enacted, requires a health benefit plan that provides coverage for imaging services for screening mammography to provide coverage to a patient for low-dose mammography according to specific guidelines, including a baseline mammogram for a woman 35 to 40 years of age.
HB2567 Expunction - As introduced, increases from two to three the number of misdemeanor offenses for which a person can have the criminal records expunged if one of the offenses was a Class C misdemeanor.
HB2591 Sexual Offenses - As enacted, requires the department of children's services and the department of human services to collaborate to provide recommendations to the general assembly on resources and services specific to persons from 18 to 24 years of age who have been victims of child sex trafficking.
HB2653 Agriculture - As enacted, clarifies that "vacant public land" for purposes of the Tennessee Community Gardening Act includes property controlled by a parks and recreation department or similar entity that is not currently being used as park land.
HB2655 Insurance, Health, Accident - As enacted, extends the statutory provision regulating reimbursements for healthcare services provided during a telehealth encounter beyond April 1, 2022; tolls, for the duration of any state of emergency, the 16-month period that a provider can offer telemedicine services to the patient without having an in-person encounter, if the healthcare services provider or the patient, or both, are located in the geographical area covered by the applicable state of emergency; permits a healthcare provider to provide medical services through telehealth if the service is not otherwise outside the provider's license.
HB2705 Tobacco, Tobacco Products - As enacted, authorizes local governments to regulate, including the prohibition of, smoking and the use of vapor products in age-restricted venues; defines the terms “age-restricted venue” and “retail tobacco store” for the purposes of the Prevention of Youth Access to Tobacco, Smoking Hemp, and Vapor Products Act; prohibits local governments from regulating smoking and the use of vapor products in retail vapor product stores and cigar bars; exempts cigar bars that limit access to patrons 21 years of age or older from the prohibition on smoking in enclosed places.
HB2797 Election Laws - As introduced, requires a brief summary of any question, regardless of length, submitted to the people for a vote.
HB2814 Tennessee Higher Education Commission - As introduced, requires the commission to notify minority teaching fellowship award recipients of teaching opportunities and programs that offer assistance for minority teachers.
HB2816 Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation - As introduced, requires TSAC to administer a law enforcement fellows program whereby recipients receive an award to attend a postsecondary degree program in this state that furthers a student's knowledge in law enforcement if certain criteria are met.
HB2840 TennCare - As enacted, requires the bureau to, in consultation with and approval of the commissioner of finance and administration, develop and implement a program substantially similar to the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services’ Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport model for emergency services.
HB2850 Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, requires the department of safety to create a voucher program for the purpose of providing a handgun safety course to purchasers of handguns at no cost to the handgun purchaser; limits the value of the voucher to $30.
HB2875 Jails, Local Lock-ups - As enacted, prohibits, beginning on the date on which a pregnancy is known to a law enforcement agency and confirmed by a healthcare professional, placing an inmate, who is in the custody of a correctional institution, in restraints; creates certain exceptions.
HB2915 Hamilton County - Subject to local approval, authorizes the sale, lease, or other transfer of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Hospital Authority's assets or liabilities.
HB9031 Hospitals and Health Care Facilities - As introduced, prohibits a hospital or other licensed facility from restricting a pregnant patient from having a doula present with the patient during the stay in the hospital or facility as long as the doula tests negative for COVID-19 and is not exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or another virus or communicable disease.
HB9058 Local Education Agencies - As introduced, prohibits the state from withholding or reducing state funding to an LEA due to the LEA implementing COVID-19 health and safety protocols.
HB9065 Local Education Agencies - As introduced, affirms the ability of an LEA to establish uniform standards and implementation of COVID-19 health and safety protocols; provides immunity to an LEA and certain officials from civil actions regarding the establishment and implementation of such standards and protocols made in good faith.
113th General Assembly.
Bill Number Composite Abstract
HB0015 Criminal Offenses - As introduced, increases the penalty for aggravated assault involving strangulation or attempted strangulation from a Class C felony to a Class B felony if the victim was pregnant at the time of the offense.
HB0022 Juvenile Offenders - As introduced, requires an audiovisual recording to be made of any interrogation of a child who has been taken into custody on suspicion that the child committed a delinquent act or unruly conduct unless a technical issue with the equipment or exigent circumstances prevent the recording.
HB0027 Scholarships and Financial Aid - As enacted, allows a student who earns the student's first baccalaureate degree in less than the projected completion time to continue to receive the Tennessee HOPE scholarship in pursuit of an advanced degree.
HB0068 Local Education Agencies - As enacted, requires LEAs to conduct summer learning camps and after-school learning mini-camps annually instead of only in the summers immediately following the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years; revises the definition of "priority student" to allow additional "at-risk" children and students entering certain grade levels to participate in after-school learning mini-camps, learning loss bridge camps, and summer learning camps.
HB0092 Traffic Safety - As enacted, enacts the "Jabari Bailey Highway Safety Act," which requires drivers to change lanes or reduce speed upon approaching a stationary vehicle that has flashing hazard lights activated; increases fines for failing to change lanes or reduce speed upon approaching a stationary emergency, recovery, highway maintenance, solid waste, utility service, or other vehicle that has flashing lights activated.
HB0098 Local Education Agencies - As introduced, enacts the "Rep. Barbara Ward Cooper Act"; requires LEAs to include in the course of instruction for students in kindergarten through grade 12 curricula designed to educate students in conflict resolution.
HB0116 Lottery, Scholarships and Programs - As introduced, expands the definition of "eligible postsecondary institution" to include certain private postsecondary institutions for purposes of a Tennessee HOPE scholarship, Tennessee HOPE access grant, Tennessee HOPE teacher's scholarship, or Wilder-Naifeh technical skills grant.
HB0164 Adoption - As enacted, authorizes a court to waive certain waiting periods and expedite certain proceedings relative to the adoption of children abandoned or voluntarily left at a facility or in a newborn safety device if certain conditions are met.
HB0250 Education - As enacted, requires, beyond the 2022-2023 school year, each LEA and public charter school to provide each high school senior, instead of students generally, the opportunity to take nationally recognized assessments if the assessments meet certain criteria.
HB0254 Taxes, Real Property - As introduced, increases, from $27,000 to $50,000, the maximum market value on which property tax relief is calculated for elderly, low-income homeowners.
HB0255 Local Education Agencies - As introduced, requires each local school board to establish a school lunch program and a school breakfast program that provides a free breakfast and lunch to each student enrolled in a school under the board's jurisdiction; requires the state to reimburse each LEA the cost of providing a free breakfast and lunch to each student enrolled in the LEA after all available federal funds have been applied.
HB0317 Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As enacted, changes the designation of June 19, known as "Juneteenth," from a day of special observance to a legal holiday.
HB0344 Local Education Agencies - As introduced, requires LEAs to classify school nurses as licensed personnel for salary purposes; requires an LEA to pay a school nurse the base salary established for licensed teachers for the respective school year if the school nurse holds a valid license to practice professional nursing as a registered nurse with zero years of experience; requires an LEA to pay a school nurse more or less than the established base salary per school year if the nurse has more or less training and experience than that required for the base salary.
HB0345 Motor Vehicles, Titling and Registration - As introduced, permits registration plates to be renewed every 24 months instead of 12 months.
HB0447 Parks, Natural Areas Preservation - As enacted, designates a segment of the Duck River in Maury County as a Class II scenic river; requires permitting of certain water resource projects in Class II scenic river areas, subject to rules promulgated by the commissioner of environment and conservation.
HB0460 Child Abuse - As introduced, adds, for purposes of juvenile court proceedings and termination of parental rights proceedings, certain offenses to those that constitute severe child abuse if the act was committed toward the child or there was a knowing failure to protect the child from the commission of the act toward the child.
HB0483 Local Government, General - As enacted, prohibits political subdivisions from prohibiting, based on the type or source of energy to be delivered to an individual customer, the sale or installation of an appliance utilized for cooking, space heating, water heating, or another end use.
HB0540 Naming and Designating - As enacted, names the educational facility located on the campus of the John S. Wilder youth development center "The Barbara Ward Cooper Education Center."
HB0551 Adoption - As enacted, makes various changes to adoption law.
HB0552 Children's Services, Dept. of - As enacted, states that the goal of the department must be to act in the best interest of the child at all times and that goal must be reflected in any mission statement or motto established by the department.
HB0573 Day Care - As introduced, increases from five to seven the minimum number of children a facility must have under its care for three or more hours per day in order to fall within the definition of a child care agency for licensing purposes.
HB0606 Adoption - As enacted, makes various revisions to present law relative to adoption.
HB0607 Insurance, Health, Accident - As enacted, makes changes relative to the coverage of complex rehabilitation technology (CRT) by health insurance entities and managed care organizations.
HB0630 Children's Services, Dept. of - As introduced, requires the department to maintain staffing to allow case managers to have no more than 20 open cases, rather than an average of 20 active cases; states that a "person residing in the child's home" includes a person living in a residential setting with a child who is in the custody of the department for purposes of reporting, investigating, and treating child sexual abuse.
HB0634 Children - As enacted, creates the child care improvement fund, to be administered by the department of human services; creates a child care improvement pilot program to provide grants to nonprofit organizations to be used for establishing a new child care agency in this state or making improvements to, or assisting with staffing, recruitment, or salary gaps, at an existing child care agency in this state.
HB0759 Children's Services, Dept. of - As introduced, requires the department to employ a guardian ad litem within each region of the state to advocate for each child who is in the custody of the department due to allegations of dependency and neglect and located within the region that the guardian ad litem serves; requires the guardians ad litem to review dependency and neglect cases of children who have been in the custody of the department for six months to determine whether termination of parental rights should be filed and, if so, file a petition within 30 days.
HB0829 Health Care - As introduced, enacts the "Fundamental Right to Reproductive Health Care Act."
HB0929 Driver Licenses - As enacted, exempts a person under 18 years of age who is in custody of the department of children's services or receiving foster care services from payment of fees for issuance, renewal, or reinstatement of a driver license, instruction permit, intermediate driver license, or photo identification card.
HB0944 Domestic Violence - As enacted, revises present law definitions relative to abuse.
HB0976 Firefighters - As enacted, enacts the "James 'Dustin' Samples Act."
HB1144 School Transportation - As enacted, clarifies that the registration fee for one school bus owned by a person under contract with a local education agency (LEA) for the provision of transportation services is equal to the fee charged for a school bus owned by an LEA.
HB1145 Alcoholic Beverages - As introduced, designates the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum in Chattanooga as a premier type tourist resort for purposes of consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises.
HB1151 State Employees - As enacted, authorizes the grant of sick leave from a sick leave bank to a state employee to care for a sick minor child of the employee.
HB1184 Taxes, Sales - As introduced, eliminates the sales and use tax on infant diapers, wipes, and formula.
HB1256 Election Laws - As introduced, removes the permanent deprivation of the right of suffrage upon conviction of certain infamous crimes; changes the revocation of a person's voting rights pursuant to a conviction for an infamous crime to a temporary suspension of voting rights for the period of confinement, probation, or parole; automatically restores a person's voting rights upon release from confinement, probation, or parole.
HB1296 Birth Control - As introduced, requires the department of health to provide voluntary reversible long-acting contraception to women at no charge.
HB1316 Salaries and Benefits - As introduced, establishes a program under which a state employee may receive up to six weeks of paid leave as a first time foster parent or after the first adoption of a minor child.
HB1502 Employees, Employers - As introduced, enacts the "Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Act."
HB1574 Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, allows a court to issue a risk protection order upon a finding by clear and convincing evidence that a person poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to the person or others if allowed to possess or purchase a firearm; authorizes a law enforcement officer or a relative to petition for the risk protection order.
HB1575 Handgun Permits - As introduced, removes the authority to issue and receive concealed handgun carry permits; authorizes a person who holds a concealed handgun carry permit on June 30, 2023, to apply to convert the permit to an enhanced handgun carry permit.
HB1576 Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, requires, subject to certain exemptions, that a sale or transfer of a firearm be done through a federally licensed gun dealer; creates a Class B misdemeanor offense for sales or transfers that are not conducted through a gun dealer.
HB1577 Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, creates the Class E felony offense of purchasing, selling, possessing, or using a part, component, device, or attachment designed to accelerate the fire of a semi-automatic rifle and makes any semi-automatic rifle that includes an accelerated fire part, component, or device a prohibited weapon.
HB1578 Criminal Offenses - As introduced, creates an offense for a person to possess or manufacture an ammunition feeding device that has capacity to accept more than 10 rounds, except for certain circumstances.
HB7007 Autopsies - As introduced, specifies that reports of county medical examiners and autopsy reports of victims of violent crime who are minors are not public documents; allows a parent or legal guardian of a minor victim of a violent crime to consent to the release of the report of the county medical examiner or autopsy report of the minor victim if the parent or legal guardian is not a suspect in the circumstances of the minor's death.